I'm in love with

Lately I find myself drawn to Dark environments. The coziness, the warmness, the elegance that usually are reflected through dark rooms are so enchanting to me. They make me want to re-do my entire house again and paint the walls in a very dark rich blue or stone night color, add some paneling, hang some thick curtains and get a serious fancy velvety couch. But it's not that easy. You see, I think that in order to accomplish the coziness mood that these dark environments read, you need more of a closed room. A room not too open, not too modern and with not too much natural light bouncing everywhere, would have the perfect condition to frame this style.
Oh yes, I think I'm in love and no, this is not a crush. Instead, is a love at first sight and I think it may last a very, very long time.

Picture above found through Purple Area

The two pictures above are from McAlpine, Brooth, and Ferrier Interiors.

The two previous pictures are from Tom Scheerer.
This last photo is a creation of Tod Alexander Romano.

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