John Granen Photography

What a whirlwind week– and I don't mean busy–I mean, literally, we've had quite the winds here in Vancouver! My white tent that used to be on the deck (and firmly planted with screws) has now finally settled upside down about 15 feet away, and down the driveway! I admit, I love storms. The swirling leaves, flickering power and strong winds are pretty enchanting. Do you find them amazing, also?

But onto today's post! These fantastic and inspiring interior photos were taken by the very talented John Granen, who was so kind to let me post a sampling of his work, to share with you. I first came across John's photography a short while back, when I was in Seattle. Thanks to Ally, of From the Right Bank, I was recommended to visit local decor boutique Red Ticking. While visiting their website to locate their address, I was blown away by the store's photos–the perfect sneak peak of what's to come when visiting. I was so intrigued, I couldn't wait to visit the store. (which is wonderful. I can't wait to visit again)

A week later, I couldn't get his photography off my mind, and discovered his clean, modern site, filled with beautifully captured and composed outdoor, interior, exterior lifestyle photography, and more. But what put me over the top was that he had the chance to photograph the work of one of my all–time favorite architects, Hugh Newell Jacobsen. (seen in the four photos below) To see a previous post on his work, click here.

Here's a little more info. on this talented man: "John is one of the best still-life practitioners around–equally at ease photographing details or entire room settings. With his work featured regularly in Metropolitan Home, Traditional Home, Country Living and other leading magazines, John is also in demand in the advertising, catalogue and hotel sectors. His body of editorial work and advertising assignments reflect the designs of the top architects, interior designers, and product designers. The accomplishments of his clients inspire John to create images that showcase their talents." (quote taken from his website)

Amazing. I could have shown you so many photos, it was incredibly hard to choose only these! I hope you, too, like them and find them inspiring. *Also, today, I am a guest over at lovely Simply Seductive, posting about one of my favorite color combinations–I think it has turned out to be one of my favorite posts! I hope you like it.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Also, I wanted to thank you for all of your kind words this week–it is a pleasure connecting with you!

/images, with permission, via John Granen's site/

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