my friend with the camera

It is with great pleasure that I announce the work of my dear friend with the camera.  Photographic Artist, Elizabeth Belliveau is participating in the "Rooms with a View" at the Southport Congregation, in Fairfield, Connecticut this evening.  The body of work that she will be showing is titled-
"Le Ballet dans le Jardin"

pve design painting, photograph by photographic artist Elizabeth Belliveau
Our friendship began many years ago, before husbands, before children, even before the camera.  I had saved some magazine tear sheets for my friend, and she began to set up the shoot and we both jumped at the chance to do this.  We only had a few hours to accomplish all this which seemed like an easy thing to do given our fabulous children were at school and the husbands were toiling away.  I keep encouraging her to form her very own web-site or get a blog.  She has an amazing way with the camera.  Trust me her work is incredible,  Please leave her a comment, to add fuel to the fire to motivate her to join the blog world.  I am happy to give her contact to you should you be interested in your very own photographs.  

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