Christmas At?

There is the most elegant frost looks like a sea of glistening diamonds, and as the sun hits, I can't help but admire the winter wonderland...Don't you just love this time of year? Besides all of the Christmas activities and festivities, it is the very best time to walk alongside a loved one, hot chocolate in hand, and peek into decorated shop of my favorites? Tiffany's! A tiny inset window, brimming with surprises.

This year, I was delighted to find beautifully curated, delicate paper scenes – a miniature, magical winter wonderland...this is the work of Zoe Bradley. She is one of my favorite display designers, specializing in the most incredible paper displays that I have ever seen. On her well–designed site, she also features a sweet little video, demonstrating these window displays in action! Portfolio > window installations > Tiffany & Co. (second one) > click on the very last image.

I just adore window display design, decor and merchandising. It's one of my favorite things to do.
Do you enjoy it also, and have a favorite?

/all images via Zoe Bradley's site/

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