A Close Companion

Your purse. Both personal assistant and the other best friend in your life. It holds your schedule, phone calls, cosmetics, little secrets, other essentials, and can save you in many a situation! My favorite, most used handbag has several internal compartments (which I have grown to greatly appreciate) and encompasses 3 shades of gray, so it goes with nearly anything and everything. I think my next handbag, though, will be a colorful one...

These ultra luxe and pretty handbags, shown above, are from Lena Erziak. (a great company owned by two sisters) I came across these lovelies last night, while watching "Serendipity" and had to share. The lookbook images slightly remind me of Chloe's–some great accessories as the main feature–but laid out in a very natural way. I'm quite taken with the second one, in bright magenta, as well as the soft mint one with gold details. Aren't they lovely?

/images via their site/

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