desk vignette part VI

Above is the office of writer Hanif Kureishi- Oscar winner for
(My Beautiful Laundrette) provides shelves with books, notes, light and
personal bits.   I love the bare bottom gnome on the desk.  Little collections always make it more personal.  The floor is nicely worn under the chair 
from miles.
These touches are nice to come home to.  He also uses a Mont Blanc pen.

Carmen Callil writes from this  sunny yellow and red office.  Her works are serious, one can only imagine that you would need a cheery spot to keep the faith of writing the book, "Bad Faith." 
Love the rug come curtain used as a drape, the painted floor and the shelves for books, binders and files.

I myself love these rooms, they have a lived in, not too sterile quality.  You can just tell that words and thoughts abound.  They have soul.

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