Detail of the Week

A Rouge pout. I've always wanted to be able to wear some dazzling, rich, red lipstick. However, sadly, many redheads cannot wear red well, though, perhaps given a little guidance on the right shade, I might venture into new territory! I'm loving the first outfit especially...such a romantic look in black and white, with her red lips as the focal point. Would you try a bold red pout this Christmas? For tips and tricks, click here.

If you find you're craving a little fresh, new makeup for Christmas, I have a little secret...the best source for product reviews (that I've found to date) – Makeup Alley. Product Reviews? – 1,517,493, with reviews of over 107,127 products! It can't get any better than that! I find that I often will read through a few reviews before purchasing a seemingly great product, especially those that are new to the market. So scoot over and become a member (it's free) to read about honest reviews from professionals to teens, worldwide!

/images via Stockholme Street Style/

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