Very often as an artist, certain "things" or elements catch my eye.
Lately, I seem to be on "safari" of sorts and loving elephants. I spotted the one above on e-bay from Hermes. Would that not be sweet dangling from a cord, worn as a choker during the holidays.
This sweet golden elephant is from here, it said sold out, but surely there must be more elephants somewhere like this one. He has an "Indie" vibe with his trunk up and the tiny motif forming a pattern. The tot chair below, I had hand painted several years ago for a child coming from India and I remember thinking that an elephant would be a nice welcome.

Children love elephants, and as a child, I loved this little golden book along with Babar. I adore the drawings as well as the fact that Babar wore a "green" suit. Babar would take me away in the stories as well as the drawings, on one of his many "voyages."
How sweet is this holiday card with Mommy and baby elephant bringing home a fresh cut tree.
Are you currently craving elephants or any other creature?
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