It's a wrap

Above is the letterpress envelope that I send with finished matted artwork.  My dear brother-in-law designed the logo of the birds which I love.  Mr.Letterpress made the envelope and cards.  The paper is thick and rich and lovely.
This one was sent to a fellow blogger who inspires me with her passion for decor and for making daily life more beautiful.  I remembered last year that her dear dog had a good time with a box of chocolate and thought she would enjoy a small drawing which I did on the card stock.  
I love the color green and red during the holidays.  Green goes with every color.

Next year, I am going to send out a drawing each month to one lucky winner, so stay tuned for details.  For now, it's a wrap.  Enjoy the holidays with one another and please know how thankful I am for each and every one of you who come to me for art or for amusement!
Wishing each of you merriment and peace.

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