Of Gold & Warmth

I hope you have had both a wonderful and eventful weekend, friends! Though considered quite traditional, gold takes quite a twist as of late and can easily work into both modern and traditional decor, beautifully. With fantastic little details, or statement pieces, you can add a bit of gold glam to your space. Previously, I've always considered myself a silver person, but am turning a new leaf, and treasuring the odd gold or slightly copper pieces. (even with silver) Are you a gold person?

I just couldn't resist the image above–perhaps it's the modern cabinet or the fact that when you open it up, you are surprised with the striped and herringbone gold interior. It's quite pretty, don't you think?

Also, that simple stick tree is so chic, and perhaps a great alternative to traditional faux trees. I'm loving the asymmetrical wreath display above the mantle, too, and the lights hung from the ceiling, near the bed...the look is so romantic and soft. What are your favorite features?

/image 01 + 02 via livingetc.com/
/image 03 Polly Wreford/
/image 04 via livingetc.com
image 05, 06, 07, 08, 10, 11 Better Homes & Gardens/
/image 09 Polly Wreford/

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