A Peek Inside Celebrity Interiors

I love catching a glimpse inside celebrity homes. The home is such a personal place that when we get a peek inside, it's always such a pleasant surprise. I often day dream about the different ideas I would set into place if I had an unlimited budget. These stars are lucky enough to have that luxury and the best designers at their finger tips.

Sarah Jessica Parker's Manhattan Home. I absolutely love the varying heights and styles of the chairs

Nicky Hilton's LA Abode. Very Hollywood glamour and hotel inspired.

Molly Sim's Manhattan Pad. This southern beauty chose girly and shabby chic. 

Jennifer Lopez's Long Island Mansion. I love the calming, natural elements mixed with a little bling and glamour.

Nate Berkus's Chicago Pad. The green cabinetry and kitchen table are perfect!

Gwenyth Paltrow's Hampton Home. Classy, elegant, feminine, modern, just like the star herself.

Claire Danes's Living Area. I love the wide open space and minimalist approach, which still manages to make the area look filled.

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