
All women want or have ever wanted one. Some are lucky enough to reserve an entire room for it, called the dressing or make up room. Regardless of the space you have, either one of these options would look absolutely fabulous. And I am sure that we all look gorgeous in one of these fantastic spaces. Below are a few examples of how to replicate these rooms.

The glamorous room at the top was decorated by Medeline Weinrib. You can get a similar look by using this mirrored vanity from Venfield, a colorful stool, white mirror and some white and blue porcelain and lamp.

This very eclectic room above is from Living etc. Below are a few choices to get this look. The desk/console is from WS, mirror from Ikea, a contrasting chair and chrome lamp.

This room above is from our sadly gone domino Magazine. I love how young and fresh this room is and below is a very good interpretation of it. A classic vanity, skirted stool, a garden stool, a colorful carpet to add some color and a few vanity accessories.

I just love this room designed by Charlotte Moss.

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