Walls of Stone

A lot of times people think in terms of changing the feel of their room with wall color...How about changing the texture instead, in a BIG way?

(EmberWall: Before and After)

This stone veneer takes your "boring" walls to "wow" walls!

(ArtWall: Before and After)

Have you ever considered a stone veneer, such as these?  Or do you immediately think "cool, but it is probably cost prohibitive and hard to do...."

(CandleWall: Before and After)

Eldorado Stone's GemWalls have made this not only pretty simple but also an affordable way to transform your own spaces.  Watch this quick video to see the simple steps here.

I think this bathroom was already beautiful but now look at it...

So if you want to add some warmth and romance that only stone can add, consider this great looking stone veneer for your space(s), and of course send me some pictures if you do it too.

(VinoWall: Before and After)

In regards to this last picture shown...Did you study it like me, there is alot going on isn't there, but look at how it really warmed up that room....

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