Kitchen Love

I had a client who didn't really have the budget or quite frankly want to have the budget (doesn't like to cook or be in her kitchen) to replace her existing, as she would say "UGLY", oak kitchen cabinets.

(These bad pictures actually make these cabinets look better than they really were).

I suggested we paint them and with a few other changes like the countertop, flooring and backsplash, the mission was complete and she was ECSTATIC at the outcome...Now that isn't to say she is in there cooking still but at least when she sees it she loves it!

It's hard to tell in these pictures but I wanted to bring to your attention a detail I like to add whenever possible to existing kitchen islands.  I like to add moldings and change the color of islands to make them look more substantial than some can be.

My client added the red glass pieces at the top of her cabinets because we added ambiance lights up there and she wanted to show them off.

She didn't want to replace any of her appliances other than her "hog of space" refrigerator, which we did with a counter depth,  Can you see the difference in these photos other than the new one is prettier?

She didn't like the functionality of her existing pantry so we changed it.

Now all of her cabinets open to pull out drawers to accommodate her needs. Oh, and she now has a small beverage fridge for her hubby's beer too.

So how do you like this kitchen remodel, do you think the cabinets are an improvement?

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