
If I could afford a real Chloé handbag, I would have one. Instead, for the past two years I have kept my very nice knockoff, conveniently found and bought in the back of some place in NYC...Canal Street to be specific. Indeed, I trucked Mom and I through unknown and dark areas, following a highly secretive guide, who lead us to a dark hall, (with an active walkie talkie) down a dark staircase, to yet another dark place: a room that contained the best of the best knockoffs they had to offer. I proceeded to bargain with the guide and ended up paying about 1/5 of the cost of a real Chloé Paddington bag. Temporary success.

It is not deplorable by any means, however, the real handbag is far more luxurious, with it's buttery, soft leather and timeless, over-sized and chunky hardware. If ever one loved a line of handbags, I love this line. I have developed a five-year plan and somewhere on the list of to-accomplish lies a beautifully designed Chloé bag...

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