Wedding Dress the New Red Carpet Couture?

With the Oscars, Grammys, Golden Globes and SAG now behind us, the 2009 award season is officially over. But the trends we saw still linger strong in the forefront of our fashion consciousness. If what made its way on the Red Carpet is a prelude to what’s hot for spring and summer, then pull out those one-shoulder dresses, stock up on statement jewelry, and find that perfect oversized clutch.

But one unexpected trend that became more evident to me as each new star stepped out onto the barrage of anxious fans and paparazzi was the emergence of what I call, Wedding Dress Couture. I couldn’t help but notice how many dresses on the Red Carpet could just as easily be seen at the wedding chapel. From white satin, to trains, to mermaid cuts – all things resemblant of a wedding dress - we saw it all!

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