Fun Friday ~ Sweet Awakenings

Wallace E. Cunningham and Guy West published in Architectural Digest

Imagine waking up from your dream world to this ~ a surreal experience for sure.

Steven F. Haas, Architect; Lisa Tillinghast and Robert Nassar, Interior Design; Renny Reynolds, Landscape Design published in Architectural Digest

For Fun Friday, I thought I'd share my infatuation with waking up to a glorious view. These fantastic bedrooms allow the inhabitants to take in the world, breath it in, and be mindful of the beauty found in our natural surroundings.

Richard Meier, Architect; Rose Tarlow, Interior Design published in Architectural Digest

Can you hear the ocean?

Home of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher published in Architectural Digest

Can you hear the birds?

Guy Dreier, Architect and Interior Design published in Architectural Digest

Ok, I have to say it ~ this bedroom just puts me in the mood.

Enjoy your weekend!

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