Organic Soap

A short while back, I did a post about cosmetics and the use of the label 'organic.' I wondered if cosmetics and other daily items we use could be harmful to us. One comment interested me tremendously. It was from Cindy Harvey who authors two blogs ~ Cottage Instincts and The Real Soap Company. Here is a picture of Cindy with her Mom.....

Here is her story about why she makes soap ~ from her blog.....

"Several years ago, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and told to buy only organic body products. I had always been curious about learning the art of soapmaking, having been a customer of several mom-owned soap companies, so decided one small thing I could do to support my mom was make soap for her. These days I make soap for the sheer pleasure of it. My mom has now been cancer-free for a couple years (hurray!), but she still uses my soap!

I mostly sell to friends and family, market at bit thru my other blogs, and I donate a fair share to local charities. It's a hobby for me, a way to work with simple raw ingredients to produce a lovely (but very useful) daily luxury."

How wonderful that Cindy took this on to help her Mom and now she can help others too.

Here is a list of the ingredients she uses (not all soaps contain all of these but a combination of):

Liquids: Goatsmilk or Coconut milk, Water
Superfatting Oil: Avocado Oil
Oils: Base oils: Tallow, Palm; Bubbling oils: Palm Kernel, Coconut;Conditioning and Moisturizing oils: High Oleic Sunflower, Olive, Castor, Almond, Apricot Kernel
Natural Additives: Silk fibers; various herbs, seeds, spices; pulverized almonds and oats; citric acid; clay; vitamin E (protects oxidation of oils); skin-safe fragrance, flavor, or essential oils.

They are also delightful to look at.....

All photos compliments of Cindy Harvey

These products interest me and I'm going to give them a try. I did not get very many comments on the last post I did about cosmetics but I wonder if people are thinking about these things. Are you? I know Cindy is for very good reason. Her reason is good enough for me to take another long look at what I am using. Hop on over to her blog for more info.....

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