"Stormont" Historic Mansion

Updated yet Traditional Grand Residence, SA

Property Summary
Category: House
Bedrooms: 6
Bathrooms: 5
Carport: 4
Close to: Adelaide: 10km (direct line)

What a beautiful residence!

The quality of the architecture in this home is amazing.
EG. solid timber stairs.

Look at the size of the cornices below!
How grand this room must feel...
OK, the furniture is a bit blah..
But the home itself is phenomenal!
Nice kitchen aspect below...

The whole house is stunning, the colours are beautiful and appear authentic to it's day, it's currently for sale for just over $2 Million Big Ones!

It might be historic, but it still has a modern day tennis court...
And the detail in the brickwork is amazing.

And here's the Master Plans!

AND here's what the Agent said!

Historic “Stormont” & Lot 15 St Johns Row to be auctioned on a date to be announced and to be offered separately to the market (two titles).

• Firstly – “Stormont” the historic mansion. A magnificent high Victorian mansion beautifully refurbished throughout of immense character commandingly positioned on Adelaide’s prized iconic absolute beachfront. • Secondly – Lot 15 (The Land) Rare beachside land opportunity (contingent on sale of residence). Prime land holding of some 538 square metres approximately ideally located on the prized “St Johns Row” Glenelg. Previous planning approval granted in December 2005 for residential apartment building. Incredible and rare chance of acquisition to further develop and improve this prime holding just around the corner to vibrant Jetty Road and the pristine beach. Land Size 538 square metres approx. Once in a lifetime opportunity to secure Adelaide’s most historic and significant shorefront residence which has been extensively and sympathetically restored and upgraded throughout, two large cellars, inground solar heated swimming pool. This magnificent family residence would be ideal for dual accommodation or extended family purposes with up to seven bedrooms together with two kitchens one on each level and five bathrooms. Rare chance of acquisition to purchase an iconic masterpiece of restored history that has been afforded every enhancement with a level of quality to impress the most discerning. Land size 1222 square metres approximately.


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