sharing talents

Sharing an illustration from a Class field trip to the Zoo!

Today, I volunteered at our elementary school to greet the new students coming in to register for kindergarten.  I took polaroid pictures of them, some smiling independently and some clinging to the legs of parents.  Many of the children created drawings using their imagination, sharing crayons.  Each of us bring our talents to life each time we use them to help others. Creativity is all around us and sharing our talents is part of making this world more peaceful.  

I came home to find this note in my mailbox from my dear Mother, and I thought that is was a strong message to share.
"We are the makers, creators, artists, with the potential to make the world a better place, to heal its scars, to sustain and enhance its life."   ( Pope John Paul III )

We are called to participate in the work of Creation sharing our talents.  I hope that I have inspired you to think of some ways to share your talents to help those with whom you live, work, pray and play.   Focus on sharing your talents and feel at peace.

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