Thursday's Room Follow Up on Monday's Method

If you read last week's Thursday's Room, you would know that I am a huge fan of this room designed by the lovely Tracy Murdock. Tracy read the post and let me know that this is her own home. She shared another angle of the room with me. Take a look...

The views continue to get better. I love the furniture piece in the center. It looks so comfortable and inviting. Tracy designed it herself. Wonderful! She also shared with me that she has made some changes to the room. What?!! Oh know!!! And just as I thought it could not get any better ~ BAM!

After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I realized that even perfection can go higher. Tracy added artful pieces and a dark neutral to highlight the fireplace and truly make it a focal point. Is that not the most magnificent shell art you have ever seen above the fireplace?? Once again, Tracy's eye captured the blue outside the window and brought it inside with glass and shells.

Tracy was even kind enough to extend an invitation to me to come see her home. That could be a bit dicey for me ~ you see once I get there, I may never, ever want to leave.

This is truly a remarkable before and after. It is also a lesson ~ if you think something cannot be improved upon, you are wrong. The visions above are a testament to that.

Getting back to Monday's Method ~ no one has written in for advice. If you would like some advice on an interior design topic, just leave me a comment. If you would like specific recommendations about your space, send me a couple of pictures ~ Peruse my Monday's Method posts if you are wondering what I have covered so far.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's Timeless Tuesday, my link party for the classics in interior design and furnishings, architecture, fashion, culinary, arts, and music. If you have those featured in your repertoire ~ I love to see you here!

I'm sharing this fantastic before and after with these lovely ladies ~ all fabulous parties worth a long leisurely visit.

Monday ~
Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday
Little Red House Mosaic Monday
Cottage Instincts Make it for Monday

Tuesday ~
A Soft Place to Land DIY Tuesday

Thursday ~
The Shabby Chic Cottage Transformation Thursday

Saturday ~
Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Nite Special

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