case of the missing art

Brooklyn Limestone posted this empty frame - part of her "trash to treasure" collection.She found them while on her hunt for her sofa.  They were literally in the trash.  What a steal. 
She posted them on her blog looking to readers for help, the frames were missing something. Help being in the form of ideas left as comments.
Funny, when someone asks for ideas I can pull them out of a hat.  I happened to find these great photos in a European Magazine at the Paris Apartment from the 1990's - which I was delighted and thought they would be just the thing for Madame Limestone.  Borrowed ideas, not stolen.
A perfect solution for the case of the frame missing the art.  What thinks thee?

image of heirloom family photos, from a vintage French decor magazine

These items of a personal collection suddenly become transformed into one private place of honor. Perhaps a scrap of wallpaper serves as the perfect back drop to off set a collection.  Don't you just love the mix of frames within frames.  I could see some of those fabulous old keys displayed in frames that Madame Limestone found during the renovation.
These remind me of my teenage "shadow box phase" as I made them for gifts.  
My Mother still has one 
that I made and I look at it in awe of the patience that it must have taken. (all done pre-children of course)

image from a vintage French decor magazine

Elegance is in bringing a collection to one particular spot.  Mixing minimal with baroque or family heirlooms all provide for a unique private collection.  What would your private collection be?  Do tell.  This gives me impetus to hang my illustrations in one giant frame.  I know my framer, Elegant Poster will love this idea too.  "Cha-ching" as my daughter likes to say, unless of course, I can find some frames in the trash.

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