circle of love

August Family Circle - Connie's favorites on page 28

Family love is unconditional along with a circle of wonderful friends who mention you in the August 2008 of Family Circle.  For a buck ninety-nine, I encourage each of you to get your own copy or subscription.  I posted the illustrations awhile ago that I had done for Connie Dirvin of interiors of her fun home.  Take a look on page 24, at her "Fun House" and be inspired to add a little fun to your home.

I have to admit, I was in earnest hopes that my illustrations would make the cut, but I am so thrilled that pve design was included in, "A few of Connie's favorite things" on page 28.  Connie has a fantastic site too which is a great online home design shopping guide - blink decor.  Connie along with Anne Carr partner to edit the market and introduce strategies for keeping decor fun.

Connie and I worked together years ago and remained in contact with the annual Holiday Card. Connie would call for a variety of artworks that she would ask me to do - such as, a personalized illustration for her father's birthday invitation, place-cards for an at home dinner party with clever quips, and an illustration of her interiors, an illustration of her former Connecticut residence.  I feel so included, like having my very own "Circle of Love."  Connie can count on me, in the blink of an eye, I would illustrate anything for her, even her dog, Chloe!   

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