The Reds Have It

Red is such a beautiful color ~ warm and sensuous. Whether it is just a touch or a whole room, it always seems to make a statement.

This monochromatic dining room by Benjamin Noriega-Ortiz published in Metropolitan Home is a bold statement.

I love the versatility of this red and chrome shelving unit. I can see this in a kitchen, home office or swanky laundry room.......

The design of this red rug is unusual and interesting to me. I'd like to anchor a French Country space with it....

This Wendy Blount design uses a magnificent ruby Murano-glass chandelier as the focal point in a dining room with elegant simplicity....

I enjoy the fluidity of this pendant. I would place them flanking the bed below in a juxtaposition. The bedroom would be neutral except for the pendants....

In the adjoining sitting room, I would give the 1920s French Art Deco canape below covered in red mohair some TLC and place it with the white and gold table on the right... perfect for a cup of tea mid-day....

No matter what the room, red can always find a home....

This beautiful modern bathroom was designed by Mark McInturff.

Stayed tuned for posts on selecting patterned fabric to form a cohesive group, choosing the right neutral paint for your walls, and how to organize hanging pictures. The fun just never stops!

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