Teo Jamin ~ Paris

It never ceases to amaze me when I find a new vendor ~ or when they find me ~ how I can incorporate them into my designs. This happened just last week. Check these out.....

Teo Jasmin was founded by Angéline Bailly in 2001. As the company honed its craft, they realized digital printing was their specialty. Initially they started with wall canvases but later on expanded their range of products with cushions and classic furniture, still using the same digital process on them.

Teo Jasmin seemingly never stops expanding. New collections are launched twice a year. 50s / 60s French superstar Brigitte Bardot (at top) in pop version is the highlight of their 2009 collection along with Italy, San Francisco and more Doggy Queen images. Previous collections such as the Beatles, NYC, London and Paris are as a popular as ever.

I've seen them covered in other blogs ~ hey when something is this good ~ word gets around.....

I have three projects I can see using these pieces in ~ the funky home office, a teenagers hip hang-out, and a master bedroom of a young professional ~ this is right up his alley (especially the car pillow).

Where would you place these fun art forms?

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