Big Screen Dream Homes

Do you ever watch one of those great, often chick-flick type of movies and wish you could actually visit that home or homes that they feature? I have found most often, these homes are somewhat a large part of the film and often captivate the audience even more...perhaps the entire storyline takes place there, or perhaps it is literally about the home and the relationship with those involved...I have on several occasions wanted to visit these homes, walk through, or perhaps live there! When watching the movies, I love seeing the details, the way the characters "live" in the home, and often finish the movie not only loving the storyline but also feeling inspired by the architecture and the design shown throughout.

One of my favorites is "Under the Tuscan Sun". I just melted over the Tuscan setting, the lifestyle and the culture. It was the direct relationship between the protagonist and her newfound home, as well as changes in her life, were what sold me on the entire movie and I believe, made the plot so alluring and deep. /image 01 link.

"Something's Gotta Give"
the romantic comedy starring Diane Keaton and the hilarious Jack Nicholson features such a lovely, beach-style getaway home. It set the stage for most of the movie, in fact. Most of all, I appreciated the unique layout of the home and how fresh the color scheme is...not to mention the beautiful beach just steps away! /images link.

"The Holiday"
Is another film which features not one, but two amazing places! The film begins by showing the house that Cameron Diaz lives in, a luxurious, sprawling home located in Beverly Hills. The house is very serene, isn't it? Particularly with ith it's neutrals and plush furniture...It is followed by Kate Winslet's sweet, authentic cottage, located in the countryside of somewhere in Britain, with it's beautiful stone work and it's tight, yet cozy it! /image 01 link/image 02 link.

"Father of The Bride"
Where the house, set on the "sunny side of the street" was so perfect, idealistic really, with it's immaculate exterior and cozy, soft yellow, homey interior. It had an instant feeling of "home". Who could resist the connection the entire family, especially Annie and her father, seemed to have with the place. (pic 02 is from FOTB II)
/image 01 link/image 02 link.

I find that beautiful films such as these inspire and often help me pass the time when I'm working away on my laptop or even doing something daunting, like cleaning. It sets an ideal background for working and gets me thinking and looking at the world, architecture, and people from different perspectives. Do you have a favorite???

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