Get Christina Aguilera's High Style Look for Less

Recessionista: n. a person who is able to stick to a tight budget while still managing to dress stylishly.

These tough economic times have caused an internal conflict for me. Despite shaky job security, having survived three rounds of lay offs at work, and the voice of Erin Burnett reminding me each morning that the economy is far worse than anyone could have predicted, my shopping habits have not slowed down. Though I am proud to say that I do live within their means, a slow drumbeat of fear has crept upon me in recent months nonetheless. 

What if the recession lasts longer than the 2009 4th quarter predictions, or God forbid, I no longer have a pay check to depend on? While I love fashion for the art form that it is and the confidence it channels, it should not be at the sake of financial responsibility or peace of mind. The good news is that you don't have to sacrifice style for savings. Here's a look at taking a high style outfit and getting it for less.

 Christina Aguilera's look.

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